There are many rebounders available on the market today - all varying in quality and what they offer. The Needak Rebounder is the only rebounder that is made in USA and is delivered to customers directly from its place of manufacturer. Needak Rebounders are unlike rebounders found at Walmart or local gym stores - Needak Rebounders are durable and robust mini-trampolines that are specially designed for the purpose of safe and long term rebounding.
What makes the Needak Rebounder so special?
The Needak rebounder is a heavy duty piece of exercise equipment. Unlike cheaper brands, Needak rebounders are made using the highest grade metal and materials available. As Needak Rebounders are made locally in America, the high level of quality control that governs each stage of production ensures that every component of the rebounder is made with superior workmanship and excellence.
Anatomy of a Needak Rebounder:
There are many aspects that combine to make Needak a unique and high quality rebounder. Let's take a closer look at these different components and parts of the Needak Rebounder:
Major Parts of a Needak Rebounder:
1) Jump Mat
The jump mat is one of the most important parts of a rebounder. The jump mat is the point of contact when a person is rebounding and so it needs to be of the highest quality to ensure safety and longevity. The Needak rebounder jump mat is made from a specialized material called Permatron. Permatron is an industrial polypropylene fabric that is specifically made for rebounders and trampolines.
What are some qualities of the Permatron Jump Mat?
~ Permatron does not stretch to provides a firm and stable landing surface.
~ Although it does not stretch, Permatron is very flexible and this flexibility gives the Needak jump mat its uniquely supple surface for landing and cushioning joints.
~ Permatron is a highly weather resistance fabric that withholds well against moisture, precipitation and sunlight. Permatron is 90% UV resistant and has high tensile strength making it a fabric that does not break down easily.
2) Springs
There are two types of Needak springs - Soft Bounce Springs for the Soft Bounce Rebounders and Hard Bounce Springs for the Hard Bounce Rebounder:
Soft Bounce Springs
Needak Soft Bounce Springs are unique, one-of-a-kind springs that are made from high carbon steel music wire. Music wire, also known as 'piano wire' or 'spring steel', is an extremely strong and resilient wire that is made to withstand high resistance and tension. Soft Bounce Springs are 4¼ inches long barrel shaped springs that taper from the center to the outside. It is this barrel shaped design that allows the Soft Bounce Spring to absorb up to 85% of the landing impact from each bounce.
Hard Bounce Springs
Hard Bounce Springs have a slightly different shape compared to Soft Bounce Springs. The less tapered design of the Hard Bounce Springs make it stiffer spring, absorbing only 35% of the bounce to provide a firmer bouncing surface. The hard bounce spring was created to cater for individuals weighing over 300 pounds and for athletes who desire a more demanding bounce surface.
3) Rebounder Frame
The Needak Rebounder frame is a round, 40 inch diameter frame that is made from heavy grade steel and is 100% lead free. The round design of the rebounder frame ensures that pressure from rebounding is evenly distributed throughout the rebounder. This means that as you rebound the same amount of force that is applied to the mat, springs, and frame in front of you, is applied behind you and to either side of you.
4) Legs
All Needak Rebounders (non folding and folding) have six 8½ inch long tubular legs that fold in for easy storage. The legs are made from metal with rubber tips at the ends to provide grip against the floor.
5) Hinges
Needak Folding Rebounders have robust steel hinges attached to the rebounder frame that permits the unit to fold/unfold. Needak folding units are equally as stable as their non-folding counterparts.